Vanilla cream, easy recipe to prepare it at home with 5 ingredients

Delicate and with an unmistakable vanilla aroma Vanilla cream it is perfect for filling cakes, pastries, croissants and many other sweets. Very similar to the Custard, differs in that it is not flavored with lemon zest, but only with vanilla pod. Preparing it is really simple: it only takes a few minutes to obtain a greedy sauce that few can resist. Here’s how to prepare the delicious Vanilla Cream with our recipe: it’s easy and takes little time!


  • Whole milk: 250 g
  • White granulated sugar: 50 g
  • Yolks: 3
  • Corn starch: 25 g
  • Vanilla bean: 1/2
  • Preparation: 15 minutes
  • Cooking: 2 minutes
  • Total: 17 minutes



Remove the seeds from the vanilla pod with a sharp knife and set aside. Pour the milk into a saucepan and also insert the empty vanilla pod. Bring to the heat and heat over low heat (it should not boil).


Meanwhile, in a bowl, pour the egg yolks with the vanilla seeds previously taken and the sugar. Beat the ingredients with a whisk (electric or by hand) until you get a smooth and light cream.


Add the cornstarch and mix well with the whisk until completely incorporated.


Pour the egg cream obtained into the hot milk and mix well with a whisk to mix them.


Cook over low heat for about two minutes and until the cream is thick and compact. In the meantime, keep stirring to prevent it from sticking to the base.


Once ready, remove the pan from the heat and pour the vanilla cream into a bowl.


Cover it immediately with cling film in contact to prevent an annoying crust from forming. Let it cool first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator for a couple of hours before using it in your recipes.


  • Pot
  • Bowl
  • Hand whisk (or electric mixer)
  • Transparent film
  • Sharp pocket knife

Tips and tricks

  • To obtain a vanilla cream with a strong aroma, we recommend using fresh vanilla pod, but if you don’t have it available, you can replace it with vanilla extract or vanillin powder sachets, even if the yield will be inferior.
  • It is important that in the final cooking of the cream do not reach a boil, otherwise it will risk burning or being too dry. If you have a kitchen thermometer available, keep the temperature of the cream under control: the ideal is that it remains below 80 ° C.
  • If you are looking for a way to waste less food, here are some tips for reusing empty vanilla pods in order to recycling: place them in the sugar or coffee jar to flavor them with vanilla, or insert a pod into the hot chocolate, or try to cover it with cotton and place it in the drawers. The scent that is released is delicate and one of the best ever.


Store the vanilla cream covered with cling film in contact and possibly in an airtight container. Consume it within 2 days maximum.


  • Whole milk: 250 g
  • White granulated sugar: 50 g
  • Yolks: 3
  • Corn starch: 25 g
  • Vanilla bean: 1/2
  • Preparation: 15 minutes
  • Cooking: 2 minutes
  • Total: 17 minutes
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Philip Owell

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