Oven-baked Spinach Omelette

There Oven-baked Spinach Omelette it is the ideal dish for those who want to keep fit without sacrificing taste! A very soft and very light egg omelette whipped and mixed with fresh spinach previously cooked in a pan with a drizzle of oil, perfect for a healthy and complete dinner. If you prefer, though, you can also use frozen spinach, blanched and then sautéed in a pan. The spinach omelette is enriched with onion, grated Parmigiano Reggiano, salt and pepper, but can be spiced to your liking. It is a vegetarian second course but which, with the appropriate modifications, can also become vegan or suitable for those who follow an omnivorous diet. Cooking in the oven makes it more full-bodied and solidbut really light and very easy to prepare and cook!

Ingredients for 4 people

  • Eggs: 6
  • Onion: ½ white
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 15 ml
  • Spinach: 500 g
  • Grated Parmesan: 100 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper as needed
  • Butter: 10 g
  • Preparation: 10 minutes
  • Cooking: 30 minutes
  • Total: 40 minutes
  • Calories: 198 kcal/portion



After removing the damaged leaves and cutting the toughest stems of the spinach leaves, wash them thoroughly under running water to remove any soil residue and let them drain the excess water. Then peel the onion, divide it in half and chop it in an electric mixer.


Pour the extra virgin olive oil into a large frying pan with sides that are not excessively high. Turn the stove on to medium flame. As soon as the oil has heated up, add the chopped onion and fry it for 1 minute.


Add the well-drained spinach: it is important that they are not too wet so as not to splash the oil. Cook them over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until the water has completely evaporated and the spinach is well dried.


While the spinach is cooking, break the eggs and pour the yolks and whites into a bowl. With a fork, a hand whisk or an electric whisk at medium speed, quickly work the eggs together with 1 level teaspoon of salt and 1 pinch of pepper. The amount of salt can vary according to your personal taste.


Add the Parmesan cheese to the eggs and incorporate it, always beating the whole mixture.


As soon as the spinach is well cooked, you can turn off the flame and add it immediately to the eggs with the Parmesan cheese. Stir vigorously to mix all the ingredients.


Lightly grease a 20x15cm rectangular pan. Spread the butter over the bottom of the pan and up the sides. Pour the mixture inside, trying to distribute the spinach well.


Bake in a preheated static oven at 180°C for 25 minutes.


Take your spinach omelette out of the oven and let it cool for 10 minutes. Using a spatula or scoop, unmold the omelette onto a wooden cutting board. With a knife, divide it into squares of the size you prefer and serve.

Advice and tips

You can add your favorite spices to the spinach omelette: curry, paprika, turmeric, chilli pepper and nutmeg, or herbs such as dillan herb that particularly enhances the taste of spinach.

You can also add cubes of smoked provola or another semi-hard cheese such as Fontina, Asiago or Montasio to the mixture. You can also pour well squeezed cubes of mozzarella into the pan, pressing them lightly so that they sink into the mixture.

You can also add previously fried bacon cubes to your spinach omelette, in order to flavor it even more.

You can cook spinach in different ways before adding it to the egg. It is possible to cook them steamed or boiled, but in both cases we advise you to squeeze them well.

You can replace the onion with a clove of garlic which you will remove before cooking.

You can avoid buttering the pan using a sheet of parchment paper lightly oiled. In this way your spinach omelette will be even more light and genuine!


You can store the spinach omelette in the refrigerator, in a closed container, for 2 days maximum. We advise against freezing it.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • Eggs: 6
  • Onion: ½ white
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 15 ml
  • Spinach: 500g
  • Grated Parmesan: 100 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper as needed
  • Butter: 10g
  • Preparation: 10 minutes
  • Cooking: 30 minutes
  • Total: 40 minutes
  • Calories: 198 kcal/portion
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