We renew our appointment with lunar calendar and sowing for the month of July of 2022. In this month there are many works to be done in the garden, especially as regards the care of summer crops. Also, July is a good time to start thinking about sowing vegetables in autumn and late summer. So it is the right time to start thinking about the future planning of the garden. But let’s see what the moon tells us about it, and let’s try to understand which are, for the month of July, the best days for sowing. If you are a beginner with this topic you can learn more the importance of the lunar cycle in agriculturetaking a look at our previous articles.
The lunar calendar for July
Let’s see in detail the lunar calendar of the month of July, with the different phases of the moon that follow one another. Keeping an eye on this calendar will allow us to become more and more familiar with this system suggested by biodynamic agriculture.
- The month of July opens with a residual phase of the growing moon, up to day 12. This is because the last new moon, which kicks off the growing phase of the lunar cycle, was on 29 June.
- The first quarter of the lunar cycle takes place on the 7th of July.
- We will be able to admire the full moon in July on the 13th (superluna), the day in which the decreasing phase of the lunar cycle (waning) will begin
- The last quarter is scheduled for July 20.
- The next new moon will begin on July 28, the day when a further crescent phase of the lunar cycle begins.
In summary then we will have:
- the crescent moon phase until July 12
- that of the waning moon from 13 to 27 July
- and again the waxing moon phase starting on July 28th.
The calendar of sowing and work in the garden in July
In July it is advisable to start thinking about what we want to transplant into the soil ad August.
This is to plan the late summer and autumn garden.
In the growing moon phase (until July 12 and from July 28 onwards) and using the seedbed techniqueyou can start sowing lettuceendive, chard, spinachradish, chicorycatalonia, cauliflower, savoy cabbage, cabbage, black cabbageblack broccoli.
During the waning moon phase, in the central part of the month, it is recommended to sow fennel.
All vegetables that we will find gradually ready for transplanting in August.
Precisely for this reason they represent the basis ofautumn vegetable garden.
For build the new seedbed you can use the perforated polystyrene left over from spring cultivation. If well preserved, these can be reused for years.
As for the July transplants in the open field, at the beginning of the month (during the waxing moon phase until July 12) we still have time to plant late tomatoes with harvest expected in Septemberzucchini, cucumbers and green beanswhich will begin to bear fruit in month of august. Also we can transplant the pumpkinthe beetroot (or red carrot) and the chili pepperall with late harvest.
With the waning moon at the beginning of the month, however, we still have time to transplant leeks And onions.
In all these cases, however, since we are a bit late in the season, it is advisable to transplant ready-made seedlings, purchased in a trusted nursery. Where, of course, you hadn’t done any sowingin polystyrene or in pots, in the previous month.
Work in the garden in July
In July, your garden will be in full swing. But the careful care of the crops is necessary to get the right satisfactions. Especially if we think of the hard work of working days under the scorching sun. It is therefore necessary to continuously check the binding and the reinforcement of the supports of larger plants, such as tomatoes And eggplant. As for the tomatoes, the work of the depemminellatura, which will allow us to have more ventilated, healthy and productive plants. With the periodic removal of the sissies we will have green material available to prepare a natural macerate. For all vegetables, dry or damaged leaves must be continuously cleaned. And, as needed, further natural mulching could become important, or engage in a work of manual weeding.
In the period of the waning moon we are in the ideal moment to carry out other types of work. On all the pruning and plant rejuvenation. To give an example: the eggplant can be cleaned of older branches to make room for new shoots. With this operation you will extend the useful life of your plant, even if for a short time you will have less harvest.
Biological pest control
In this period, favored by the great heat, attacks by parasites are more probable and numerous, in particular by insects such as:
Surely in the month of July it is necessary to continue with the prevention work, using natural macerates based on nettle, fern, garlic, horsetail, absinthe. It should be emphasized that in this period it is easier to find the raw material useful for making the various macerates, given the richness of the vegetation, especially in the undergrowth.
To better prevent the presence of parasites, a good idea could be to make an alternate and combined use. A further recommendation, in this sense, is the spraying of the preparations in the evening, after sunset. This precaution is useful to avoid dangerous water stress for plants and to make biological care more persistent and effective.
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