The manure it is an excellent organic fertilizer to be used to fertilize the garden soil. It comes from the manure of barn animals, such as horses, cows, etc. It therefore derives from the fertilizer par excellence, but which unfortunately is not always easy to find. Manure enriches the soil with the nutritional elements necessary for the luxuriant growth of plants. The important thing is that it is of good quality and above all produced with organic methods. In this article we see how it is made, what its properties are as a natural fertilizer and how to use it correctly in our organic garden.

What is manure

Manure is an organic fertilizer allowed in organic farming. It is obtained from animal manure, or from the manure that is collected in the stables. Usually, for its preparation is used the bovine manurebut those of equine origin, poultry And sheep. The manure chosen for the manure is first matured, with a long humification process that lasts from 6 months to a year. Once mature, it is dried giving rise to the manure.

Types of manure and advantages

The manure is sold in the form of pellets or flour and packaged in bags of different weights. Whether in small pellet cylinders or floured like garden soil, it is the same type of product, only with a different physical form. The fact that it is sold in bags and can be purchased very easily is, in our opinion, its great advantage. The animal manure from which it is obtained is in fact difficult to find, especially for those who live in urban contexts. Furthermore, the manure can be easily transported to the garden and easily stored in the warehouse. This is because it is a dried product and therefore does not release liquids, but above all it does not emit bad odors.
If you decide to buy it, always remember to choose only products with the words “allowed in organic farming”. Some, which we would like to advise you, you can find them here.

Elements contained in the manure

Manure is one of the best fertilizers for our organic garden as it is rich in beneficial elements for crops. It is an organic nitrogen fertilizer, with the presence of micro and macro elements, humic and fulvic acids, which enrich the soil of the garden improving its content in humus. Its use also improves the chemical, physical and biological fertility of our growing medium. In the table we see the average composition of a manure in pelleted form:

Manure composition table

The fertilizing properties of manure

The fertilizing properties of manure are due to the presence of: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The former is necessary for plants for lush vegetative growth. The phosphorus, though it is good to avoid its excesses, on the other hand, it is very useful in the flowering phase. Potassium helps fruit ripening.
The humic and fulvic acids which are also present, allow a gradual and easy absorption by the root system. The fact that it is a dry and stabilized product also avoids the risks of burn, which occur when a fresh and unstable fertilizer is used. A complete but balanced organic fertilizer, therefore, able to ensure the necessary nutrition for the plants in our garden.

The amending action

In addition to being organic fertilizer, manure is also a good soil improver. It can improve the structure of particular types of soil, such as clayey and compact ones, making them softer and able to better absorb water. Or, on the contrary, it is useful in sandy soils, which, thanks to its addition, retain water better and become more “fat”. However, its amending power absolutely cannot be compared to that of a good mature manure.

How and when to use manure in the garden

pelleted manure
Manure is perfect for use as a bottom fertilizer for the garden. The fact that it is dry gives us the possibility to use it immediately before planting the vegetables. The ideal is amend it to the ground in the last tillagebefore starting the crops.
For example, after having hoed, a dig can be carried out (obviously necessary a good hoe And a good spade) causing it to go underground. The best thing is to bury it (both the pelleted and the floured one) at a depth of 10-15 cm. In this way, the roots will find the necessary nutritional elements as soon as the first stage of development is completed.
A covering fertilization, that is, after planting, is not very effective for horticultural crops. Dosages depend on the starting condition of the soil.
In soils poor in organic matter, 120-150 g / m2 are used, in those rich in organic matter, 60 -70 g / m2 is enough.

How to make liquid fertilizer

On crops already in place, not already fertilized previously, we can use manure to prepare a liquid fertilizer. Using about 1 kg of manure, put to macerate in a cool place for 3 days and in 10 liters of water, we obtain a liquid fertilizer from use in the vegetable garden or plants on the balcony. Once filtered, it can be stored in dark glass bottles. It must therefore be added to the irrigation water once a week. Furthermore, we can keep the filter residues in a bag and maybe combine them with a universal soil.

Manure in the orchard

Manure can also be used for fertilizing fruit trees. In this case, fertilization can be done in two different ways, transplanting and annual fertilization.
When let’s plant our fruit tree, we can place 500 g of manure on the bottom of the hole, then covering it with earth. The fertilization on the roof is done instead at the end of winter, spreading it around the projection of the tree’s crown, therefore from 1 to 4 kg, staying 30 cm from the trunk. After having distributed it evenly, we proceed with a light hoeing, which does not go beyond 5 cm, in order to avoid damaging the superficial root system.

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