As the home of all things Disney and Marvel, Disney + has been a huge success as a streaming service. And by the end of the year, subscribers will have the option to choose a cheaper subscription plan with advertisements.

This new subscription plan will arrive in the US in late 2022 and will expand internationally in 2023. There are no details on how much cheaper it will be than the current plan (which costs users $ 7.99 per month or $ 79.99. per year).

Disney isn’t exactly breaking new ground with this plan. Hulu gives users the choice between ad-free ($ 6.99 per month) and ad-free ($ 12.99 per month) subscription plans for many years. And last year, HBO Max began offering users an ad-based subscription that costs $ 5 less than the regular plan and doesn’t offer access to 4K resolution. NBC’s Peacock, meanwhile, has limited free ad-supported access, a $ 4.99 / month ad-based plan that includes ads, and a $ 9.99 plan that removes most ads and lets users to download the programming to watch it offline.

It’s not hard to see why Disney will be offering a new plan. The company wants to reach a minimum of 230 million subscribers by 2024, and as reported by TechCrunch, it currently only has 129.8 million. If Disney is lucky, this cheaper plan will help reduce membership numbers and bring them closer to target.

Are you excited about this new subscription plan? Let us know in the comments!

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Tag: Disney Plus

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