Every year, football fans are faced with the same question, regardless of whether they choose FIFA or PES. The release of FIFA 18 was no different. It can be a tense time when friends decide which franchise to go with and argue that their choice is the best option.

Pro Evolution Soccer has largely been seen as the connoisseur’s choice in recent years. Its refined gameplay made it a better gaming experience.

With FIFA 18, EA has finally begun to fight against that stereotype. With major improvements made to several areas, could FIFA begin to rival PES in terms of gameplay?


A major problem in FIFA for several years has been the transition of players from attack to defense. Animations would slow down the pace of the game and players would be stuck in completing all their actions. It meant that an individual could easily get out of position through no fault of you. The developers have solved this problem with new animations that you can stop, allowing for faster response times.

FIFA 18 Review |  Gammick

Other areas have also seen improvements in FIFA 18. Goalkeepers are no longer the casual last defense they once were, while a rework of the cross mechanic is very welcome. Now, the balls can sizzle with a push of a button and wreak havoc in the box. Individuals feel like they carry more weight, being able to shield the ball effectively. In addition, rhythmic players can be used to improve ball-free runs to enter behind high defensive lines.

Player AI is also better than in previous iterations. Characters play smarter and have a larger pool of options to draw from when it comes to making a decision. You no longer feel you have to manage all the players on the pitch. Being able to put more trust in CPU-controlled players frees you up to really enjoy the game.

There is also the addition of playing styles for each team, which helps them stand out from each other. You can see the different ways the teams play. For example, you can clearly see the difference between Pep Guardiola’s team and a Tony Pulis team.

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