Persona 5 Strikers is an action-packed sequel to the beloved JRPG Persona 5. Set six months after the events of Persona 5, this new chapter brings the guys known as The Phantom Thieves of Hearts together for a reunion as they begin their summer vacation.
Of course, they soon find themselves catapulted into the wizarding world known as the Meta-Verse and tackle a brand new mystery, which the player tackles in a whole new, action-oriented way.
Lots of enemies and lots of combos
The Persona series is known for trying out different play styles for their spin-off games. The forwards takes the opportunity to try a Musou style, which here works spectacularly. For those unfamiliar with Musou games, these could be seen as hack-n-slash fighting games. Your character is dumped in a level with hundreds and hundreds of enemies and the character runs through them like butter. Of course, there is more to the systems in this game than just button mashing.
Persona 5 Strikers makes this type of combat very satisfying and powerful. However, the game can be deceptively simple. There have been a few times I’ve been negligent as I swept waves of enemies away. This of course led to an enemy humiliating me without warning.
Persona 5 Strikers feels right when it embarrasses you repeatedly. However, I feel that some of my deaths could have been avoided if my AI teammates had been a little smarter. The player always has a choice of four characters between which they can freely switch. That is, when they are not already dead or dying. Their life expectancy can be improved with equipment, weapons and skills, but not by much it seems.
Where action meets role play
Something I didn’t expect from Persona 5 Strikers is the respect shown for the mechanics of the original game. Players can use a variety of characters in combat by pausing the game momentarily so they can choose which move they would like to use. Setting elemental attacks on dozens of enemies at once is always nice.
Chaining those personal attacks together with melee combos is just endlessly fun. Furthermore, it appears that it actually belongs to the world of Persona. It goes without saying that I am absolutely impressed with how these two genres have merged together in Strikers.
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