Originally developed as an April Fools joke by Landfall Games in 2018, Totally Accurate Battlegrounds delivers the laughs in a parody of the battle royale genre.

Totally Accurate Battlegrounds sets the theme from the moment you land in the lobby. You are presented with a humanoid figure, not a handsome human specimen in any way. It’s more of a rounded human body with the head of one of the characters from Worms.

Totally Accurate Battleground Review |  Gammick

Just below your worm-human hybrid is the option to randomize his outfit (it’s not very clear). You cannot choose cool skins that you have unlocked. You can’t create a style combo that will blow your enemies away from your fashion sense. All you can do is randomize your dress. And the combos are terribly coordinated. It’s wonderful.

Get a pirate hat with a suit. A king’s crown with a robe and a caveman-like belt. A shower cap with any of the options is hilarious. There’s a chicken head and a jester’s hat, which match terribly with everything – again, wonderful – and many more besides those.

Before starting the game, you’ll spend a good amount of time seeing what combos the randomizer throws at you. You will inevitably be left regretting that good option from just a few clicks back and it seems like you can’t get it back.

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