Hackers who stole a data cache from EA last month began leaking information online after the publisher refused to fulfill ransom demands.

The hackers announced in June that they had accessed some EA servers and stolen over 780GB of data, including the source code for FIFA 21 and the Frostbite Engine SDK.

The hackers’ goal was to redeem the data from EA for money or offer the data to the highest bidder. But with EA not responding to hackers, they started posting source code on an unnamed forum. According to Motherboard, this includes a 1.3GB compressed archive.

“A few weeks ago we sent e-mails for ransom [sic] to EA but we get no response, so we will post the file [source]Wrote one hacker. “If they don’t contact us or pay us, we will continue to publish it.”

However, EA told Motherboard that it has analyzed the released files and doesn’t believe it poses a risk to gamers or their business.

“At this time, we continue to believe that it does not contain any data that poses any concern for player privacy and we have no reason to believe that there is any material risk to our games, business or players,” said EA. “We continue to work with federal law enforcement as part of this ongoing criminal investigation.”

Category: Game consoles, News, PC

Tag: EA

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