Many people who have iPhones are always looking for ways to make the battery last longer. There are some tricks you can use every day – here’s what they are.

The cell phone battery is an element that makes life bitter for many people, especially those who work there and do not always have a ready-to-use battery charger behind them. A talephone is perfect during the first weeks of use, but gradually its performance drops irreparably. And there is no difference whether it is the latest model released or that of a few years ago: they are all like this.

iphone battery
photo source: AdobeStock

When we talk about the battery of an iPhone the discussion is broader, because we are referring to one of the best brands on the market. In the case of these smartphones it is easy to see and check the health of the battery, as all you have to do is access the ‘Settings’ section. This way you will find yourself in front of a series of data related to the battery, such as the maximum capacity and the apps that consume the most.

The fact that it costs a lot of money does not mean that the battery lasts forever, but over time it is normal and physiological for the battery to degrade its performance. For this reason it is important to follow the instructions given by Apple regarding battery health and especially discover some tricks useful in this regard, to avoid getting water in the throat.

Save iPhone battery: here’s how to make it last longer

Independently from iPhone model you have, there are some tricks that if you put them into practice you will be able to earn those extra hours of battery that you so much need. Unfortunately there are many factors that affect the battery life of your smartphone, but the essential thing is to know how it works and how to organize yourself.

First, look at the app. There are some that work in the background even if you don’t realize it. Disabling them will save you quite a bit of your iPhone battery life. Then the position it’s always good to turn it off for apps and services you don’t use often.

Choose wisely notifications which you consider important, also because these drain the battery. The advice is to disable notifications on the lock screen of all secondary apps. Pay attention to how much you reload the battery always try not to bring it over 80% and less than 20%, but keep it on one 50% average.

Activate the mode battery saving which limits the processor so that it doesn’t consume the same amount of battery. You can also use the dark mode which illuminates the screen less and is a great ally to save the iPhone battery. Always be careful of update the software which usually always fix bugs and include improvements over the current version.

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