To protect your account, social networks and accounts it is important to pay attention to security and passwords: what it is and details

Protect your account, social networks and accounts: watch out for passwords and security
Digital security (photo source: Pixabay)

The issues and aspects inherent to the digital security they are definitely important and are dear to many, since the choice of one secure keyword or password turns out to be crucial for protect your bank account, access to social networks and accounts in general.

The topic in question might be taken for granted by some, but at the time of the digital age instead it is very important and can make the difference from being pirated and not and therefore with any nasty surprises.

There are now many operations and activities that take place online through the connection, think of websites, apps, constant connection from PCs, smartphones or other devices and the information that, depending on the case, could be provided based on the activity.

These, and others, are aspects that require a great deal Attention in terms of safety and among the most important aspects there is its own choosing and creating a password which turns out to be safe to protect access and data.

Security and password, it is important to protect your account, social network and account

Therefore a fundamental aspect that should not be underestimated at all, that of the use and creation of secure passwords put to the protection of one’s own account, account and social networkin order to prevent any data theft and all possible inherent consequences.

And so appropriate and important underline its importance and how important it is beware and lend Attention to this theme, both in the specific and in the general of the digital security.

The best way to protect your identity on the web is to set up password safe, memorable and difficult to detect by the bad guys. explains that long words could be used but they have no connection with each other, since by virtue of theabsence of logical sense they would be more difficult to rebuild. In this regard, we read, mention is made of Passpharse, or passphrases.

All users can learn more about the aspects of safety inherent to the password through the consultation with experts, in order to understand what are the possible risks and dangers that could be run.

The guarantor of privacy provided some important tips for managing, setting and maintaining passwords; there is for example on the website of the privacy guarantor a vademecum with a card that “has mere disclosure purposes and will be updated on the basis of technological and regulatory developments “, with some recommendations.

THE advice they concern, for example, the use of at least 8 alphanumeric characters or a higher number; characters of different types including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters; absence of personal references and commonly used words.

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Furthermore, the password, reads in the vademecum, should be changed periodically, and should be diversified in the various cases in which they are to be set up and used.

The above are just some of the tips a user should consider; it is emphasized again that these and other aspects are important to consult, deepening the discussion and inquiring in general to avoid unpleasant surprises and possible risks.

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