Many WhatsApp users have reported a dangerous link that causes serious damage to the user experience: here’s what to watch out for.

The dangers of the Internet are always many and often unpredictable. Although WhatsApp is one of the safest platforms, problems can arise there too. In this case, everything revolves around a simple and apparently harmless link.

WhatsApp alarm link
Do not click on the WhatsApp – link

Every day, there are tons of links being sent and received on WhatsApp but some of them just bring something negative to the user experience. One in particular is causing serious problems and, as the hours go by, more and more reports have appeared on the web.

The news was first released by Brute Bee on Twitter and then it is been confirmed by Android Authority. This link, in fact, mainly affects the users who use the platform through the Android system. Let’s see the details of the link and what to do if we were to be reached from that URL.

Dangerous WhatsApp link, worried users: crash the app

In recent days, WhatsApp users have to face a new and heavy pitfall. It is a link that, if clicked, immediately crashes the platform. From the reports, general attention should turn to the URL ““.

Generally, this link is used to enter the platform settings but following a bug, when it is used, everything freezes forcing users to force restart. Upon reboot, things settle down but if you click on the mentioned URL again, it would open the way to a series of anomalous errors that would make the app unusable.

Not only bad news for users but also a positive one related to the fact that this problem only arises via the reference conversation. Which is why, to avoid problems, just don’t access the chat. In the event that, we had been affected by this problem, the advice is to enter the web version and delete the message or chat.

Given the huge problem, the Meta house work team stands proceeding to the resolution but, as we can guess, it’s always better do not click this link even if it comes from a trusted person. In fact, there are several users who are sending this link as a sort of joke despite this bug giving big problems to those who click.

In short, taking the right countermeasures, in this case, is very simple and allows the user not to receive any negative consequences capable of ruining his experience on WhatsApp. Those who use the platform, however, must not only pay attention to this link but also to some frauds that have affected millions of people.

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